既然 The TeacherRaymond 和堅三位,對讀字典的成效有保留,栗子妹便決定展開 B 計劃,找出【神探阿蒙】(Monk) 第一季的影碟,仔細研究。

【神探阿蒙】於 2002 年首播,至今已播到第八季。男主角 Adrian Monk 因妻子在意外中慘死,變得極之神經質,但這並無損他天賦的查案技能。因著心思縝密、思慮周全,令他成為城中「炙手可熱」的名偵探。

是次以學英文為先,故栗子妹看劇時,格外留意演員說話的語氣、速度,並將有趣的片語默寫下來。第一集不過長 80 分鐘,但栗子妹卻要花上兩個半小時才看完,不過總算有收穫 (對不起,未有時間整理~~~)

go with the flow (隨遇而安)
in the saddle (掌權、在位)
tread water (躡足不前;徘徊觀望) / move ahead
I am your Moses. I'm going to take you and your husband to the promised land.
I'm ready to
walk the walk
out through your leash
you can walk on water
quit was a four-letter word
He was given a three-fifteen
on occasion
two's company, three's a crowd
we are back to square one

you're off the case
you bite me
rack my brain
bluff / sit on a very sweet hand (poker player)
brush her off (打發、不理睬)


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