
話說某天早上,年輕的黃先生在校園裡碰見英文老師,便打招呼道:Good morning, sir! (老師早!) 誰知英文老師面孔一板,冷冷地問道:What's so good? (有甚麼好?) 嚇得他呆在當場,不知如何是好。


如果近日有人敢說股市形勢大好,大可抬出今期的《經濟學人》,說美國政府已要動用公帑,為投資銀行填補損失了 (The government has to make good the losses of the investment banks.)What's so good?

栗子妹一向認為,非到生死存亡之際,政府最好也別插手,由得市場自行調節好了。不過,現在政府出手了,但危機依然未能解決,這是否表示寒冬已至,過去股市的美好日子已一去不復返呢? (Have the old good days been gone for good?)


提起金融市場的危機,忽爾就想起我那個可憐的補習學生。才不過中三矣,就已經要修讀經濟科,學習機會成本、economic goods free goods 等概念。須知他那個騙飯吃的補習老師,未看他的筆記前,根本就不知道世界上竟有 free goods 這種東東!

不過學生的筆記,有一點讓栗很疑惑。在解釋何謂 economic goods free goods 時,筆記用了單數形式寫:An economic good is ... A free good is ...。但是據栗理解,good 只有在加了 s 後,才能解作「商品」,an economic good a free good 不是東西來的吧?


話題扯遠了,還是說回黃先生的悲慘遭遇吧!如果你是黃先生,會如何應對 What's so good? 這條問題呢?

栗的答案是:It's good because I can meet you and get to know you.

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1) to make sth good/to make good sth: to pay for, replace or repair sth that has been lost or damaged, e.g., She promised to make good the damage.

2) for good (and all): permanently, e.g., This time she's leaving for good (= She will never return).

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