Irrational) 太精彩,所以栗子妹願意花百幾元,買了該書的續集《The
Upside of Irrationality》來讀。
Upside of Irrationality》全書分為十一章,作者 Dan Ariely 以不同事例,論述人的不理性,如何影響日常工作與生活。
Predictably Irrational 2 不是更貼切嗎?
more for less: why big bonuses don't always work」與第五章「The case for
revenge: what makes us seek justice」有點兒戲兼可笑。不過請教過讀心理學的同事,她說關於人性的實驗,結論一般不紥實。既然如此,那就不怪作者了。
Upside of Irrationality》雖較《誰說人是理性的》遜色,但作者仍能保持前作輕鬆幽默的筆觸,為讀者解說日常的不理性思維,因此還是值得推介的。
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第一章:Paying more for less:
why big bonuses don't always work (付多得少:為何巨額獎金不能提升工作表現)
第二章:The meaning of labor: what Legos can teach us about the joy of work (工作的意義:樂高如何教曉我們工作的樂趣)
第三章:The IKEA effect: why we overvalue what we make (宜家效應:為何我們會高估自己作品的價值)
第四章:The not-invented-here bias: why "my" ideas are better than
"yours" (原創的偏執:為何自己的主意總比別人的好)
第五章:The case for revenge: what makes us seek justice (報復:為何我們要找尋公義)
第六章:On adaptation: why we get used to things (but not all things, and not
always) (適應:為何我們要選擇適應某些事物)
第七章:Hot or Not? Adaptation, assortative mating, and the beauty market (美不美?關於適應,同型交配與美容市場)
第八章:When a market fails: an example from online dating (市場失效:以網上姻緣配對為例)
第九章:On empathy and emotion: why we respond to one person who needs help but
not to many (同情與情緒:為何我們會同情一個人而非一群人)
第十章:The long-term effects of short-term emotions: why we shouldn't act on
our negative feelings (情緒波動的長遠影響:為何我們不應在感到不快時作出任何行動)
第十一章:Lessons from our irrationalities: why we need to test everything (不理性的教訓:為何我們要測試所有事情)