喜歡旅遊的朋友,一定不會對 red-eye flight 感到陌生。為何夜航班次又名紅眼班次?因為睌上坐飛機大多睡不好,睡不好自然眼紅紅!

新聞報導說,內地最近爆發紅眼症。有人以為紅眼症的英文是 red-eye disease,對不起,該是 pink eye (學名 conjunctivitis) 才對。至於何以是 pink 不是 red,有勞各位請教學者。

有紅眼,自然就有綠眼。莎翁在其劇作 Othello 中,便把貓比作綠眼怪物 (green-eyed monster)

O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss
Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;
But, O, what damned minutes tells he o'er
Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!


朋友擁有一雙明亮的黑眼睛,但她卻對藍眼睛情有獨鍾,這可能是因為 black eye 在英語中指眼睛的瘀傷,不比 blue-eyed blonde 誘人?不過說某某是某人的 blue-eyed boy (寵兒),卻並非讚美之詞。要避開貶義,還是用 the apple of your eye 吧!

栗子妹看電影時,十分容易落淚,但六婆卻總是 dry-eyed (除非她極之疲倦)。這樣也好,if there is not a dry eye in the house,豈非會淚流成河,把戲院淹沒?

說起看東西,鬥雞眼 (cock-eyed) 一向被視為不好的東西,但原來 to cock an eye at something 解作「留心看」。不翻字典,又會弄錯。

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