今早 Nury Vittachi 在專欄中列舉十二則著名電影中的爛對白,引錄如下不知各位覺得如何?

12. House of the Dead. A: You did all this to become immortal. Why? B: To live forever! (栗按:immortal 咪即係長生不死囉~~~)

11. The Ten Commandments. We're going to the Land of Milk and Honey. Anybody know the way? (栗按:吓?唔識路又話去緊?)

10. Battlefield Earth. While you were still learning how to spell your name, I was being trained to conquer galaxies.

9. Night of the Lepus. Ladies and Gentlemen, attention. There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way, and we desperately need your help. (栗按:應該冇人咁傻去幫佢掛?)

8. Transformers. Before time began, there was The Cube.

7. Plan 9 From Outer Space. Inspector Clay is dead. Murdered. And somebody's responsible. (栗按:有人被殺,緊係有人要負責啦!)

6. Speed. He can't hear you, Jack. He's been decapitated (被斬頭). (栗按:點解我睇咗兩次,都唔記得有句咁精彩嘅?)

5. Sphere. A: If this translation is right, this alien sounds like an idiot. B. That's something to consider, a stupid alien. Well, they must have them.

4. King Kong (1976). Come on, Kong, forget about me. This thing's just never going to work. Can't you see? (栗按:有啲人/動物,明知唔 work 都會照做架~~~)

3. Lost in Space. I don't like the sound of that sound. (栗按:係咪因為要湊夠時間,所以要講廢話?)

2. Sphere. A: Ask him for his last name. B: What? A: I want a full name for my report. I'm not putting in my report that I lost a crew member on an expedition to find an alien named Jerry.

1. Kingdom of Heaven . I once fought two days with an arrow through my testicle.

(資料來源:《虎報》,2009 11 17 )

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