
以動詞 run 為例,這個生字在上幼稚園時已授,解作「跑」。但只要翻開高階字典一看,便會發現其解釋不止於此:

1. The race will be run despite the bad weather. (儘管天氣惡劣,比賽仍然舉行)

2. His family runs a hotel. (他的家人經營酒店。)

3. I can't afford to run a car on my salary. (我的工資養不起車。)

4. The bus company runs extra buses during the rush hour. (巴士公司在繁忙時間加開班次。)

5. Mary ran her fingers through her hair. (瑪莉用手指摩挲著頭髮。)

6. He had a scar running down his cheek. (他臉上豎著一道傷疤。)

7. The musical will be running for six weeks. (音樂劇會連續上演六週。)

8. I'll run you a bath. (我給你洗澡水去。)

9. Your nose is running. (鼻水了。)

10. He wanted to run in the election. (他想參加競選。)

這裡列舉的,只是 run 作動詞使用時十個常用解釋,如果加上片語動詞,這篇網誌恐怕會過千字了~~~


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