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chestnut girl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

上星期去逛 Kubrick 書店,看見《經濟自然學》一書。本來沒興趣,但想起方老師用紅字特別推介,於是便拿起來翻翻。一看,好像挺不錯,有點心動想把書買下,誰知在書背上看見這樣的句子 (只是大意,忘了確實字眼)

chestnut girl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

上星期去逛 Kubrick 書店,看見《經濟自然學》一書。本來沒興趣,但想起方老師用紅字特別推介,於是便拿起來翻翻。一看,好像挺不錯,有點心動想把書買下,誰知在書背上看見這樣的句子 (只是大意,忘了確實字眼)

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X. J. Kennedy

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X. J. Kennedy

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chestnut girl 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

84, Charing Cross Road was no bestseller, you understand; it didn't make me rich or famous. It just got me hundreds of letters and phone calls from people I never knew existed; it got me wonderful reviews; it restored a self-confidence and self-esteem I'd lost somewhere along the way, God knows how many years ago. --- Helene Hanff

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84, Charing Cross Road was no bestseller, you understand; it didn't make me rich or famous. It just got me hundreds of letters and phone calls from people I never knew existed; it got me wonderful reviews; it restored a self-confidence and self-esteem I'd lost somewhere along the way, God knows how many years ago. --- Helene Hanff

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